How to Choose the Right Rodent Bait

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How Preparing Food Can Help You to Kill Cockroaches

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If your home is infested with cockroaches, you may only see them now and again. Cockroaches will tend to hide during the day. During the night, they will move about with speed and dart from place to place, making them hard to track. Because cockroaches breed at an incredible rate, laying traps to kill the odd cockroach here and there isn’t an efficient way of combating the problem. In order to turn your home into a cockroach free-zone, you will need to locate the main nest.…

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Tips for Keeping Rodents Out of Your Wood Pile

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Having a good supply of firewood in your home is a great way to stay warm during the cold season and enjoy a barbeque night out around the bonfire. Unfortunately, wood piles attract all manners of unwanted pests including mice and rats. While rodents living outside your house may seem harmless, the urine and droppings they leave on your firewood can transfer serious diseases to human beings. If the pile of wood is too close to your house, you can be sure the rats will find their way to your house because they are sneaky and fast.…

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Tips to Manage and Control Household Pests

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Cockroaches, rats, fruit flies and all those pests that visit your home can be pretty annoying. Besides causing structural havoc to your house and bringing in the dirt, pests can be a vast source of diseases. Household pests reproduce incredibly fast; therefore, they are hard to get rid of once they are in your house. Like everything else in life, the best pest management strategy is to keep them from getting into your house in the first place.…

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How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Your Hotel

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How would you feel if a guest left a review of your hotel and complained about bed bugs? Not good - and it wouldn’t reflect well on your business, either. Unfortunately, bed bugs are a fact of life and the occasional infestation is inevitable when you have so many guests staying. However, that doesn’t mean you should give up on treating bed bugs. The right action helps reduce the number of infestations and keeps your guests happy.…

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4 Pests to Watch Out for In Your Baby's Bedroom

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While you may associate rodents, ants, and other pests with rooms like the kitchen and pantry, there’s another room in your house than can be equally attractive to them: your baby’s bedroom. If your worried that your child could be sharing their sleeping quarters with some unwelcome friends, look out for these 4 pests next time you clean up. Mice & Rats If you let your baby eat snacks in their bedroom, you could be attracting mice and rats.…

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The 3 D's of Terminating Termites in Your Garden: How to Determine Termite Presence, Deter and De-Termite

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In Australia, no home is ever completely safe from the voracious jaws of a few million marauding termites. This is because they are pretty much everywhere, especially in areas with plenty of trees and in yards where wood is plentiful in retaining walls, fences, garden tools and even mulch. As a gardener, your vegetables and blooms are your pride and joy. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your garden flourish and produce an abundance of fruits and vegetables.…

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How to Tell If You've Got a Rat Problem at Home

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It can sometimes appear to be a full-time job defending your home from bugs, pests and other “intruders.” Sometimes these invaders are very difficult to uncover or may be microscopic in size. Other times they are larger and more threatening. Rats fall into this latter category, and their number seems to be on the increase throughout Australia. How can you tell if you’ve got one of these unwelcome visitors – and what should you do?…

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Handling Silverfish in the Home

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Although they are not really harmful to human health, like mosquitoes, silverfish are unpleasant creatures to discover in your home. They don’t cause much damage but simply consume dust from dead skin, glue and cardboard. Silverfish like dark and dank places, so you tend to notice them around plumbing. They feed at night and are surprisingly fast for small insects. If you see one in your home, then you probably have many more hidden away out of sight.…

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How to prevent or stop a rodent infestation

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Rodents, like other pests, can cause serious problems for people’s home and business life. Not only can rats and mice damage buildings and contaminate stores of food, an especially costly issue for farmers and food producers, storers and distributors, but they also carry and spread diseases and bacteria in their saliva and excrement that can seriously threaten the health and safety of you and your family. Whether you live in a rural area or in the suburbs of a big city, knowing how to prevent and get rid of rodent infestations can ensure your wellbeing and save you a lot of money.…

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Prevent the itch: how to stop mosquitoes from getting into your home

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Despite their fragile appearances, mosquitoes can be both a nuisance and a threat to the health and safety of you and your family. Not only can mosquito bites be annoyingly itchy and irritating on the skin, but they are also known to spread a number of sometimes dangerous diseases, such as Dengue fever, Ross River virus, Australian encephalitis, and more. In Australia, residents and tourists are constantly advised to avoid mosquito-infested areas in order to avoid being infected by these diseases.…

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