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How to Tell If You've Got a Rat Problem at Home

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It can sometimes appear to be a full-time job defending your home from bugs, pests and other "intruders." Sometimes these invaders are very difficult to uncover or may be microscopic in size. Other times they are larger and more threatening. Rats fall into this latter category, and their number seems to be on the increase throughout Australia. How can you tell if you've got one of these unwelcome visitors -- and what should you do?

Assessing Your Risk

Once a rat has set up home in or around your property, there's a lot of potential for trouble. They spread disease and can contaminate your pet food and some of your own dry food in a pantry. They have particularly sharp teeth and can go through virtually anything. In addition, they carry ticks, lice and fleas on their body, which can then be introduced into carpets, bedding and other areas of the home.

You've got to act quickly if you suspect that there are rats around. They breed very quickly, and before you know it, you could have a serious infestation.

You May Not See Them

You're very unlikely to see a rat, unless you are looking at night. They can easily detect movement and will always hide from you, so you are much more likely to see evidence rather than the actual pest itself.

Brown Rice?

The first thing you should look for is their droppings, as they will always leave a trail of these every night. Many people say that they resemble a single grain of brown rice. Look for them in concentrations.

What Can You Hear?

When you're lying in bed at night, do you hear scratching noises? If they come from above you, this could be a particular type of rat that is a good climber and can get into attic spaces. Other times, you may hear them running around underneath floorboards.

Look for Footprints

If you've heard some of these noises, then you may be able to do some detective work the following morning. Have a look to see if you can see tiny footprints in dusty areas. You may also sprinkle some talcum powder in the suspect areas and then wait until the following night before investigating for evidence that next morning.

Teeth Damage

One of the biggest signs is damage caused by their teeth. Rats have a habit of gnawing on virtually anything they come into contact with. Any unexplained damage, such as food packaging that has been ripped open, may be attributed to their work.

Looking for Nests

Finally, try and find their nests, which are usually located not far away from a reliable food source. If you believe they have been using cat or dog food for their sustenance, then have a look behind or underneath big boxes, freezers or appliances near to where you store that food. A nest will normally be made of shredded material.

What Should You Do?

If you detect any of this evidence call a rat control specialist as soon as possible in order to eliminate them. 
