How to Choose the Right Rodent Bait

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Three Common Inspections That Could Save Your Home From Hundreds Of Thousands In Damages

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Due to Australia’s very varied landscape and diverse animal life, homeowners are constantly on the lookout for the signs that something is wrong with their property. While the country is lucky enough to not be frequently troubled by tectonic events like earthquakes, there are many natural problems that do threaten your property, and it is important you are aware of them. Many first home buyers might not realise that something as simple as a wet patch on your wall could indicate a problem that could soon balloon out to thousands of dollars worth in damages.…

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Three Steps to Help Eradicate a Flea Infestation

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Ah, summer! There’s nothing like hot days, trips to the beach, and—fleas. Fleas love the high temperatures and high humidity that summer brings, so this is when they are most active during the year. When you have never had to deal with a flea infestation before, knowing where to start the eradication process seems daunting. However, these three steps will help you to send the fleas packing. Start with the Garden…

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