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3 Reasons You Should Leave European Wasp Nest Removal to Pest Control Services

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Wasps are good animals for the ecosystem. As well as helping to keep the numbers of a whole range of other bugs down, they also help to pollinate plants. Without them, not only would many flowers not grow but other insects such as flies, spiders, gnats, mosquitos and more would be out of control, being their primary food source. 

Well-known for their often unjustified aggressive behaviour, European wasps, first introduced to Australia in 1977, often sting repeatedly. If they feel their nest is under attack, they will defend with the upmost of aggression. It is during summer and early autumn that you'll spot the wasps out and about but you may find locating their nests difficult. 

In fact that is just one of the problems you are likely to encounter when trying to locate and remove a wasp nest, which is why it's a job best left to a professional like Statewide Pest ControlHere are 3 reasons you should leave wasp nest removal to pest control services: 

1 - Locating a wasps nest will often require observation, and if it's a relatively immature nest, this can take days. A well-established nest will have a steady stream of wasps leading to and from it, so spotting it won't take long. A young nest will not. 

Often built in sheltered locations, you'll find wasp nests in roof spaces or within holes and cavities. This again makes it difficult to locate them. 

Pest control services will have the knowledge and experience to locate the nest quickly, before it has a chance to establish. The expert will also have the tools necessary to quickly and effectively move it. 

2 - Disturbing the nest will result in aggressive behaviour. Thinking it is under attack, the wasps will sting you repeatedly and in doing so, they will leave a chemical mark to tell other wasps within the colony where you are and that you are a threat. Other wasps will join, also trying to sting you, until eventually they have chased you far enough away or they have you defeated. To the wasp you are a predator. However in Australia, the European wasp has no natural predator. 

You won't have the necessary safety equipment to keep you safe during the wasp extraction. A colony can contain 25,000 individual wasps and each of the females will sting you over and over if given the chance. One in ten people will suffer with serious allergic reactions to the European wasp sting, and if you have never been stung by one of them before, you won't know whether or not you will have that reaction. For your own safety, this is a job best left to pest control services. You should also remember the safety of your family — are you putting your partner, children or household pets in danger of being stung? 

In the best case scenario, a sting from one of these creatures is extremely painful and is likely to result in swelling and redness. In the worst of situations you could face an anaphylactic shock or tightening and swelling of the airways. These symptoms require urgent medical attention. 

3 - You won't know what to do with the wasp nest. You don't have the necessary treatment to fatigue the insects in order to safely retrieve the nest. You may not know that you should wait until late autumn before you start your wasp nest removal to ensure low wasp activity levels, and you may not know about the safety equipment you should wear - full body suit with protective face, feet and hand-wear. 

These are all things pest control services will already know, and they'll have everything they need to hand. They'll have the treatment, the safety equipment, and the knowledge to know how to deal with almost every situation you have to throw at them. 

And there are your three reasons you should leave European wasp nest removal to pest control services. You may not immediately be able to tell which wasp is which species, so in all cases, assume the worst until you are told by a professional otherwise.

